Meetings and Workshops

Our meetings take place monthly on Saturday afternoons at:

St Paul’s Parish Rooms, Reading Road, Wokingham, RG41 1EH from 2.30

We are a very active group and our meetings range from talks from Textile artists, mini workshops, show and tell with a sales table and raffle. Please check out our programme below

We also welcome non-members to the meeting at a small charge of £7.00 per meeting

We also hold Saturday workshops take place between 10.30 am and 4.00 pm at St Paul’s Parish Rooms.

Places for the workshops must be booked and paid for in advance. These are open to members and non members. Workshops will be priced individually.  

To check workshop availability and to book places please contact 


All meetings are open to visitors at a cost of £7.00 per visitor please contact us via the contacts page if you would like to book on to a session

Full day workshops will be priced individually. 

22nd February 2025

Show and Tell Sales Table and Raffle

St Paul’s Parish Rooms, Reading Road, Wokingham RG41 1EH at 2.30.

Came and bring something you’ve worked on, tell the group about your work, stock up on treads fabrics from the sales table and have a go at the raffle. The main idea meet you friend and have a chat.

Please label your work 

Group Project Launch

We will Also be launching our NEW group project at the meeting on the 22nd February 2025

15th March 2025

Goldwork Workshop

with Becky Quine our resident RSN Tutor

FULL DAY WORKSHOP 10.30 to 4pm



St Paul’s Parish Rooms, Reading Road, Wokingham RG41 1EH .

We will be learning the basics to goldwork and working on the flower head with full instructions to complete the flower at home.

Costs for this workshop £42 members £49 for non-members

There will be a kit available to purchase on the day.

22nd March 2025

Land, Sea, Sky, and Trees - Amanda Hislop

St Paul’s Parish Rooms, Reading Road, Wokingham RG41 1EH at 2.30.

Amanda will be talking to us about her working practice with a PowerPoint presentation highlighting the importance of sketchbook exploration in her work. Illustrated with sketchbooks, samples and a selection of finished work.

12th April 2025

Coffee Morning

From 10.30 am to 12.30

St Paul’s Parish Rooms, Reading Road, Wokingham RG41 1EH .

Following on from our successful coffee morning in February we though we would hold a second  to gather some more input for future meetings and updates on the current projects

26th April 2025

Historic Sampler - Sally Hand

St Paul’s Parish Rooms, Reading Road, Wokingham RG41 1EH at 2.30.

Sally will be talking to us about the historic sampler that she has replicated and the conservation of the original sampler


31st May 2025

Group Project

St Paul’s Parish Rooms, Reading Road, Wokingham RG41 1EH at 2.30

Time to catch up on the group project, look at what has been completed so far. If you are not working on the group project please come along with something to sew

28th June 2025

Dorset Buttons - Denise Luker

St Paul’s Parish Rooms, Reading Road, Wokingham RG41 1EH at 2.30

Dorset buttons are delightful little embellishments that originated in the English county of Dorset. They’re essentially covered rings made from materials like wood, metal, or plastic. To create them, you wrap thread (pearl cotton, floss, or yarn) around the ring using a buttonhole stitch. 

Denise will be showing us how to make the easier ones during the session.

Japanese Embroidery Taster Session

Saturday 5th July 2025 

St Paul’s Parish Rooms, Reading Road, Wokingham RG41 1EH at 10.30 to 4.00pm

Giving you a taster in Japanese embroidery by seeing how the threads are worked and laid for a cherry blossom

Full details to follow

26th July 2025

Stitch in the Park

Howard Palmer Gardens Howard Road, Wokingham RG40 2BX at 2.30

We will be stitching in the park weather permitting, please bring a chair your stitching and something to drink …. there may even be some cake.  

30th August 2025

Twinches - Mini Workshop

St Paul’s Parish Rooms, Reading Road, Wokingham RG41 1EH at 2.30

We will be creating a piece of work using mixed items and picked via a lucky dip – you will be incorporating some interesting items  

You can also bring some of you own stash items to use 

27th September 2025

AGM Show and Tell Sales Table Raffle

St Paul’s Parish Rooms, Reading Road, Wokingham RG41 1EH at 2.30


Thank you to those who have suggested programme items we have either used them directly or we have incorporated them in with other ideas. We are now looking at the programme for next year. So, if you have a suggestion please email us Contact Us


Travelling Books

Wokingham Embroiderers has been running a Travelling Books project for several years and many members participate. It is a ’round robin’ with A5 sketch books circulating around contributing members. 

Each member begins with their own sketch book, creating a page and a cover for the book. Some members even make a bag for their travelling book. It is then passed onto another person in the group until each member of the group has completed a page.

Then our travelling books continue to circulate until eventually all pages contain work by our textile artists. At this point they are returned to their owners and if they wish the member starts a new travelling book.

If you wish to know more please contact